cos·mic /ˈkäzmik/ adjective
relating to the universe or cosmos, especially as distinct from the earth.
com·pen·di·um /kəmˈpendēəm/ noun
a collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject, especially in a book or other publication.
Expansion or Excess Jupiter Astrocartography Lines Can Feel Like Life on Easy Mode Luck, abundance, growth and optimism—all qualities we associate with Jupiter. As a benefic, Jupiter can bring these blessings and more. Jupiter astrocartography lines can inspire, provide support, promote cross-cultural exchange and encourage philosophical, intellectual & spiritual pursuits. Reducing Jupiter’s energy to just […]
Don’t believe the hype about Venus Astrocartography Lines I’m sure you’ve seen it all over the internet: Move to your Venus Ascendant line to be seen as attractive! Go to your Venus Descendant line to meet your next romantic partner! But the truth is that Venus astrocartography lines are not that simple. While Venus—the planet […]