you may be wondering about some things

Frequently Asked Questions


Controversial maybe but I use both . Generally, Placidus for consultations. Whole signs for horoscopes and intuitive astrological-tarot card readings. 

I view boundaries of the houses like I view borders on a map. They are man-made and don’t always signify the end of something and the start of something else. Borders can be debated, but we’d all generally agree that a certain landscape/topography exists there.  


Generally, no. Occasionally, at my discretion. The best way is to follow me on social media or subscribe to my email list. 

Sliding scale fee program available for the BIPOC community. Email for details. 

What can expect during my consultation? 

At booking, I provide an in-depth intake form for two reasons: 
  1. Establishing a clear focus and intention of our time together, that way you get the most out of our session together. I value my time and I value yours. 
  2. I can spend time getting to know your natal chart and Astrocartography map in depth, so that I can serve you to the best of my ability. 

We spend an hour face-to-face virtually. Sessions are recorded and delivered via email along with a brief recap of our session together. 

What is your astrological approach? 

I use both modern and traditional interpretations. I see the value in both, and prefer taking a holistic approach.
In traditional astrology, the different planetary bodies represent people or events in our lives. In modern, the different planets represent different psychological or internal aspects of ourselves

I believe that the outer world can be a reflection of our inner world, so, both interpretations are valid.

What is your astrological background?

I have self-studied since high school mostly through reading books and online forums. More recently, I completed a certificate in locational astrology with Helena Woods. Other astrologers who have influenced my practice include: Chris Brennan, Adam Elenbaas, Rebecca Gordon, Demetra George, Judith Hill, Chani Nicholas, Alice Sparkly Kat, the Sagittarian Mind (Jason Fleming), and many others.

As a student and teacher of astrology, I believe it is important to engage with a diverse range of voices when it comes to any subject matter, but especially astrology. 


Yes, on occasion. Send me an email, let's chat.