cosmic compendium


cos·mic /ˈkäzmik/ adjective
relating to the universe or cosmos, especially as distinct from the earth.

com·pen·di·um /kəmˈpendēəm/ noun
a collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject, especially in a book or other publication.


Venus in Pisces—the sign of her exaltation. The planet of love, beauty, and social grace in mutable water. UNDERSTANDING VENUS ENERGY Venus isn’t just about romance and pretty things. At her core, Venus represents: When Venus functions well, we can form meaningful connections, know our worth, and experience life’s pleasures without losing ourselves. When challenged, […]


It’s you versus you, baby! This new year, I want you to remember that a fresh start is always available regardless of the Gregorian calendar, regardless of astrology and regardless of what is happening with the moon.  The only thing that really stands in the way are the expired stories and limiting beliefs you continuously […]

Capricorn New Moon December 30th. Ruled by Saturn Pisces, in a T-square with Jupiter Gemini rx opposite Mercury Sagittarius.  This New Moon in Capricorn asks us to examine the quality of our thoughts. Manifestation isn’t wishful thinking, it’s an embodied practice of our self-beliefs. Repeated thoughts shape our beliefs. Beliefs shape our perception, how we […]

Expansion or Excess Jupiter Astrocartography Lines Can Feel Like Life on Easy Mode Luck, abundance, growth and optimism—all qualities we associate with Jupiter. As a benefic, Jupiter can bring these blessings and more. Jupiter astrocartography lines can inspire, provide support, promote cross-cultural exchange and encourage philosophical, intellectual & spiritual pursuits. Reducing Jupiter’s energy to just […]

Jupiter Astrocartography Lines

Don’t believe the hype about Venus Astrocartography Lines I’m sure you’ve seen it all over the internet: Move to your Venus Ascendant line to be seen as attractive! Go to your Venus Descendant line to meet your next romantic partner! But the truth is that Venus astrocartography lines are not that simple. While Venus—the planet […]


GEMINI FULL MOON December 15 2024 1:02 am PST / 4:02 am EST Mercury in Sagittarius ends its retrograde, which informs the full moon. Jupiter in Gemini, ruling over Mercury—providing mutual reception. Sun in Sagittarius in a loose trine with Chiron in Aries.  A missing piece of the puzzle comes to light in the form […]

gemini full moon december 15

A Roadmap for Healing Astrology is a powerful tool for self-discovery. Personal astrology helps you understand why you are the way you are, recognize recurring themes in your life, identify how you expend your energy and with whom, and discover where you direct your focus in day-to-day life. Your birth chart can also serve as […]

THE STILLNESS OF WINTER DECEMBER 2024 ASTROLOGY Winter tends to be a reflective time, ushering us indoors to retreat into ourselves. Retrograde season further drives in this message: to rest, recuperate, recalibrate, reconsider. Sweep the deck, clean the sails while we wait for the weather to pass.  In winter, we embrace the barren branches. We […]

EMOTIONAL CHALLENGES UP AHEAD  November 2024 Key Dates Scroll down to find your November 2024 Horoscope for your Sun Sign or Rising Sign. NOVEMBER 2024 ASTROLOGY It is an emotionally potent month. We are triggered. We are frustrated. We want change. We want freedom. We set sail for the tumultuous waters of the high seas.  […]

Getting clear on my values and my mission has enabled me to live more authentically. It helps me make sure my actions are aligned with the vision that I want to co-create with the universe. MY MISSION In short, my mission as a human on this earth is to help people help themselves by showing […]

 Uncover the Power of Place: Your Journey Starts Here