The paradox of time amazes me. Somehow, the first month of the year felt like an eternity, yet simultaneously like an ephemeral blip that slipped away. Or maybe it’s the ADHD.
What does it mean to slow down with intention? What does it look like to lean into the pause–the space where motion is suspended, and cultivate a sense of stillness in the eye of the storm?
How do you take bold inspired action towards your dreams while life feels restrictive, sluggish or obstructed? You turn inward: you reflect, you review, you strategize. More importantly, the recent New Moon in Aquarius reminds us to be creative in our approach.
I am reminded of the Chinese finger trap: resistance only tightens its grip, while relaxation offers freedom.
I am reminded of quicksand: struggling intensifies the danger, but staying calm and wiggling gently allows for escape.
I am reminded of swimming in the ocean: treading water depletes your energy, whereas diving beneath the surface and resurfacing at the right moment conserves it.
I invite you to meditate on these metaphors and consider how they might apply to your own life and current circumstances. Where can you create space—to breathe, to strategize, to choose the best path forward?
Our ability to make long-term decisions is sub-optimal when our nervous systems are under threat. Can you carve out the space to stop, reflect and think clearly?
Mars continues its retrograde journey through Cancer for most of this month. While progress may continue to feel slower than usual, it’s crucial to keep taking deliberate, intentional action. You can create the reality you want, brick by brick. Take advantage of this before Venus and Mercury enter their retrogrades in March.
Scroll down to find your February 2025 Horoscope for your Sun Sign or Rising Sign.
The planet of love, beauty, and relationships is in fiery hot cardinal sign of Aries. Matters of the heart and creativity can inspire passion and spontaneity fueled by impulse.
A shocking shift forward or a suprise ending—disrupting what was previous assumed to be unchangable or a constant.
Square Jupiter in Gemini. New beliefs are possible.
Check your rising sign or sun sign to see what will come up for you this month.
Getting a head start on your emotional self-care routine will help you navigate some unexpected expenses that come up mid-month.
Work is busy and family matters are extra tender. To everyone’s surprise, you’re taking a new approach on balancing the demands of both. It’s a good look for you, lean into it.
A freudian slip this month helps you realize just how much your beliefs have changed.. Is it time for a new career or work project? Luck is on your side.
Interesting new friends and psychological self-examination is helping you let go of outdated values and create new beliefs around your self-concept.
A long-forgotten memory comes to the surface. It’s time to be supported the way you support others. Confide in a loved one or schedule that overdue therapy appointment.
How’s the New Year resolution coming along? Commitment and consistency can move mountains. But changing your mind and deciding to take a different path is totally okay too.
You reign supreme in navigating social intricacies. But lately, unexpected power struggles have you asking if it’s worth the trouble? Shifting your focus to your daily habits will provide relief.
Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to take a break from it. Seek out creative inspiration. Later, things will just *click*.
Switching up your health routines, communicating your truth, letting go of old beliefs–this new year looks good on you. You’re inspired to change up your surroundings to match.
Your mind is on your money and you’re taking notice of what patterns impact your self-sufficiency. Finding new ways to use your voice helps you create the changes you desire.
Are you stirring the pot? Or are you just saying it like it is this month? Everyone is on their own personal journey. It helps to detach. A shift in your mindset helps you get clear on your values.
Creative self-expression can actively improve your health and self-image. Don’t be afraid to use your voice. You might even surprise yourself with what you’re capable of.
Are you look for more clarity and specifics about the current astrological influences in your life? Book a reading.
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