gemini full moon december 15
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Gemini Full Moon: Retrograde Revelations

astrology, full moon, horoscopes, lunations


December 15 2024 1:02 am PST / 4:02 am EST

Mercury in Sagittarius ends its retrograde, which informs the full moon. Jupiter in Gemini, ruling over Mercury—providing mutual reception. Sun in Sagittarius in a loose trine with Chiron in Aries. 

A missing piece of the puzzle comes to light in the form of sensitive information as it relates to the self, our desires, sense of individuality or willpower, changing the overall big picture. 

Sometimes it is hard to discern the truth through the abundance of noise and chatter. Information is great, staying informed it great, but at what point does it overpower your inner dialogue, your intuitive knowing, your personal instincts?

Sometimes you can know something without the ‘how’ in which you know. You can know without explaining or justifying it to others. But sometimes you might not know anything at all—that’s okay too. One doesn’t invalidate the other. Both can be true.

Gemini inhabits multitudes, Jupiter provides optimism and faith. Sagittarius reaches for the big picture, and Mercury is quick on its feet. You have agency to change your mind.

Personal truth is always in flux. What is true today might not be true tomorrow. What is most essential is how connected you are to your truth. 

Mercury in Sagittarius ends its retrograde, providing context for the full moon. Jupiter in Gemini, ruling over Mercury—providing mutual reception. Neptune in Pisces, squaring the lunation. Sun in Sagittarius in a loose trine with Chiron in Aries. 

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