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My Values + My Mission


Getting clear on my values and my mission has enabled me to live more authentically. It helps me make sure my actions are aligned with the vision that I want to co-create with the universe.


In short, my mission as a human on this earth is to help people help themselves by showing them how they can transform their lives.


  1. Ahimsa – practicing non-violence, not only interpersonally, but also in relationship to the earth and in relationship to myself.
  2. Reverence for the Earth & Global Citizenship – I view the earth as a living macrocosm, sustaining life for an intricate web of interconnected life systems. My body is made of everything borrowed from this earth. She is mother. 
  3. Everything and everyone is our teacher – Every situation, circumstance, individual, or collective offers something to teach us.
  4. Intersectionality – We all inhabit multitudes and moving from different cross-sections of identity which inform our interpretation of reality.
  5. Collective liberation & self-empowerment – Freedom through reclaiming self-sovereignty. Freedom by empowering individuals to be active co-creators of their life experience to the best extent that they can. Freedom through knowledge, awareness, and conscientiousness.
  6. No “gurus” and following inner-guidance – We are all learning side-by-side. Our intuition knows. We just need to learn how to listen. You are the expert of you and your life, no one else knows your internal experiences better than you.
  7. Isvarapranidhana – Surrendering to the divine. Allowing my life to be a conduit of something much greater than myself.
  8. Love & light rhetoric – I hate that shit. No spiritual bypassing here. Shadow work is a form of transmutation. Integrating the full spectrum of the human experience allows us to meet ourselves more fully in our conscious lives.
  9. Creativity over consumption – The greater global socioconomic system leads us to believe that we need to buy more in order to be more. That is false. To be more we need to allow ourselves the gift of our full creative expression.

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