September 2024 Monthly Horoscopes

Horoscopes for all signs for the month of September. Read for your sun sign and your rising sign.


Self-care is calling your name. A great influx of information has been pouring in. Take initiative for a little ‘R&R’ to decompress your mind and body. Getting some quality alone time will help you sort fact from fiction this month. 


Feeling a sense of belonging with the people you surround yourself can seem fleeting. You’re realizing there may be a difference in values between you and your friend group. It’s okay to remain optimistic but take off the rose colored glasses while you navigate these questions. 


Getting called back to work in office has you questioning if the corporate 9 to 5 is really right for you. A lack of work-life balance has you inspired to make dramatic changes. You’re feeling especially lucky this month and ready to take risks in your career. 


It’s time to rewrite your beliefs, literally. Taking time to journal this month will help you realize which beliefs are yours, which beliefs you inherited from others, and which beliefs are ultimately holding you back. Can you dream bigger? The world is as big or as small as you make it. 


Spooky season is around the corner and your friends want you to join the party. You’re always ready to look hot and have fun but money matters are lurking in the back of your mind like skeletons in the closet. It could be time to start using a budget tracker or hire a financial advisor for peace of mind.


Are you tired of giving more than you receive? A major pattern in your life involving your relationships is coming to end or entering a new phase. This could be creating clarity around expectations or cutting ties with a partner that doesn’t pull their weight. Either way, you realize your relationship with yourself sets the pace for all others.


Where’s the fun in making everyone else happy if you’re paying with your personal wellbeing? Sometimes people pleasing does more harm than good. It’s time to pull back your energy, put on your headphones, and go on a hot girl walk. Make self-care your priority this month.


We know you’re committed, but when it comes to those dusty art projects, it’s okay to let go of what has gone stale. Clearing this space will allow room for creative inspiration to find you, perhaps in the form of a new muse, lover or community. 


What home means to you is changing. That could look like making a big move or finally deciding to settle down. Either direction you choose will pave the way for new beginnings in your career. The choice is yours. 


In today’s economy, attention is our greatest currency. Limiting your time on apps, leaving your phone on do-not-disturb, setting rules on your email inbox to automatically sweep old emails will create the time you’re looking for to finally enroll in that professional development course or work on your grad school application.


Money is a tool, a helpful one… but humans have existed long before money was invented. You’re dreaming of creative ways to get your basic needs met independent of money. Bartering, trades, participating in local buy nothing groups, or joining the local co-op.. there are always options. 


You are ready to upgrade your self-concept. This could be realizing subconscious beliefs from childhood that hold you back from being the most vibrant you or finally deciding to overhaul your wardrobe. Whether on the surface or below, a makeover is on the books. 

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